Xcom long war research
Xcom long war research

Having more than 30 scientists decreases the duration of all research projects.For example, if you have 15 scientists, the actual duration is double that of the listed value. Having less than 30 scientists increases the duration of all research projects.The duration listed for all research projects is the duration for 30 scientists with no Laboratories, adjacency bonus or research credits. It instead affects the cost to build and maintain power generators. South America's continent bonus no longer makes autopsies and interrogations instantaneous.For example, council members will not request Sectoid Corpses before Xenobiology has been researched. All Council requests except Satellites now require specific research projects to be completed.UFOs that have been successfully assaulted can now be analyzed, providing your ships with a damage bonus against these UFOs.For example, once Sectoid Autopsy has been performed, players can target a Sectoid, and press F1 to inspect them. Autopsies are required to inspect aliens of the same species and see their perks. For example, Sectoid Interrogation is required to learn Mind Fray. Most Psi Powers now require specific research projects before they can be learned.For example, Sectoid Autopsy is required to perform Sectoid Interrogation. Interrogations now require the autopsy project for the same species.For example, Xenobiology is required to perform Sectoid Autopsy. Autopsies now require other research projects before they can be started.For example, Sectoid Autopsy requires and consumes 10 Sectoid Corpses. Autopsies now require and consume more than one corpse.The time required to research a project has been increased.New research projects have been added, expanding the research tree.While research in Long War works similar to how it works in Vanilla, there are some notable changes:

xcom long war research xcom long war research

A maximum of three soldiers can undergo genetic modification at any one time. This option becomes available after the construction of a Genetics Lab.

xcom long war research

View the research credits gained from completed interrogations. Here you can see information about projects that have already been completed. The progress achieved in the current project won't be lost.

xcom long war research

If necessary, this can be done at any time. The Research Lab houses the research team, headed by Dr.

Xcom long war research