Oblivion sword of the crusader
Oblivion sword of the crusader

oblivion sword of the crusader

Note: You can bribe him before doing this glitch and you'll make more gold. After about an hour of hitting the same button, I had 150k gold. Make sure he doesn't leave or alerts any of the guards and save before attempting this. When you go to take the gold, it will glitch and keep allowing you to take the gold off him. LOOT ALL THE ITEMS FIRST leaving the gold, DO NOT LOOT ALL. He should have around 40 gold and some other misc items. At this point kill him and go to loot his body. Once he has a low enough disposition (lower than 20) with him, he will ask you to leave. Try to get him angry enough with you via threatening him. In the Imperial City, Talos district, find a house owned by a person named Dorian, it will be called "Dorian's House".

oblivion sword of the crusader

I did this when I was level 3 and in 10 minutes my guy was level 17. If you do this for at least 10 minutes then not only will your armor go up but you will gain levels. When your health starts getting low then constantly heal yourself. Keep an eye out on your health so you wonÂ’t die. When there are a lot of guards near you then let them keep hitting you. Run up to the guards with bows and they should pull out their swords. The guards that have bows should have swords. Then you punch a guard and resist arrest.

oblivion sword of the crusader

Then put your game difficulty all the way on easy. After you've done all these things then equip one of the sets of armor and hot key your health potions. Make sure you have a set of heavy armor and a set of light armor. After that you do that go next to a crate and drop everything except for your potions and your armor. Then you use the duplication code to duplicate 100 health potions. When you first come out of the sewers at the 1st beginning go straight to the imperial city (Talos plaza). It's a tedious process to do it this way, but the treasure you reap from her corpse makes it worth the effort. Umbra will simply swing and run at the pillar, while you bombard her with your arrows. It will take a long time since arrows only take a little bit off her health bar, but as long as you're on the pillar and you have a lot of arrows, she is screwed. Affix yourself on top of one of the pillars, and unleash your bow and arrow fury on her. There are pillars around the center of her room. Umbra won't attack you unless you attack her first. When facing Umbra, turn the difficulty all the way down. Her armor is Ebony, so you might want it to use or sell to your liking. It may sound easy, but the woman wielding Umbra is really tough. To get Umbra, you have to find the ruins called Vindasel around the Imperial City (Just circle the water around the City until you find it) and beat the woman who is deep inside. Umbra is a sword It's most likely the strongest sword in the whole game.

Oblivion sword of the crusader